

Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World

Edited by Jonathan Gray, CornelSandvoss and C. Lee Harrington

With an afterword by HenryJenkins

New York University Press


Introduction: Why Study Fans? 

“Fandom Is Beautiful”

For the first wave of scholars who took their particular inspiration from de Certeau’s (1984) distinction between the strategies of the powerful and the tactics of the disempowered, the consumption of popular mass media was a site of power struggles and fandom theguerilla-style tactics of those with lesser resources to win the battle. The study of fandom was thus automatically considered a worthy cause, one that represented and championed those disadvantaged within society, as fans, in JohnFiske’s words, are “associated with the cultural tastes of subordinated formationsof the people, particularly those disempowered by any combination of gender,age, class and race”(1992:30). 

Within this tradition, which spanned from Fiske to Henry Jenkins’ (1992) canonical Textual Poachers, fandom was automatically more than the mere act of being a fan of something: it was a collective strategy, a communal effort to form interpretive communities that in their subcultural cohesion evaded the preferred and intended meanings of the “powerbloc” (Fiske 1989) represented by popular media. 


…early fan studies (and much ofthe work it inspired) often turned to the very activities and practices-convention attendance, fan fiction writing, fanzine editing and collection, letter-writing campaigns-that had been coded as pathological, and attempted to redeem them as creative, thoughtful and productive.   

*emm lof对英语输入真的很不友好,单词会莫名奇妙自动连在一起,我手动改了半天……

*Anyway, 这本书的前言梳理了粉丝研究的三代,今天摘的这段讲了第一代。第一代粉丝研究对粉丝的态度是相当正面积极的。他们最初的研究灵感是de Certeau关于有权者的策略与无权者的应对战术的区分,这使第一代粉丝研究拥有了代表社会中弱势群体发声与辩护的价值与意义。这里讲到了我之前经常卖安利的《文本盗猎者》的作者Henry Jenkins, 第一代粉丝研究者的中流砥柱。在第一代研究者看来,粉丝是富于创造性、能动性与生产性的。粉丝文化 (fandom)不仅仅是成为某件事物的粉丝这个行为,它还是一种集体策略,作为亚文化群体,粉丝圈是不断共同建构着自身社群和定义着自身文化。

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